Create a Unique Selling Proposition USP that Sells

Create a Unique Selling Proposition USP that Sells (Case Study)

Why should I buy your brand product or service? Your brand’s unique selling point USP should provide me with the correct answer. Today, you will learn how to create a unique selling proposition that sells.

Now this answer has to focus on customers’ needs and values. It is your responsibility to find out the real problem that your brand is trying to solve. Remember that your unique selling proposition focuses on your audience’s value and solves their problems.

How to Successfully Create a Unique Selling Proposition.

It would be best to shift your mindset from business to being a consumer. This concept might be a little bit difficult.

When you think like a consumer, you go to the market and look at stuff prices; you look at their design and determine if it solves your problem. If you decide to choose an alternative, you can ask yourself why. 

This will give you a better understanding of what your customers need when producing.

Crafting a great unique selling proposition USP is easy when you have a customer-focused mindset. Always remember, consumers think about benefits, and they always ask themselves – WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?).

If people are willing to trust you and buy from you, they need to believe that there is a great benefit for them. For that reason, you need to study your customers. To understand your customers, you need to know your target customers.

This will give you clarity on;

  • The type of people are you trying to communicate with?
  • What kind of problem do they have?
  • How can you improve their daily life experience? 
  • And how can you maximize their benefits?

Target Audience:

To understand your target customer, you can research their demographic data. 


You need to understand the location; this will expose their lifestyle, culture, and technology. 


Culture has to do with people’s beliefs, habits, and decision-making. It plays a vital role in branding and decision-making for purchase. In some cultures, the decision has to be made by the entire family. For example, the wife and the husband need to agree for the purchase to happen. While in other cultures, the decision is taken by individuals. 

In some cultures, people tend to be more rational in making decisions. While in other cultures, people depend more on belief to make their decisions.


When serving a specific market. It would help if you considered your audience’s gender. Are you talking to a male or a female audience, or probably both of them?

Most men probably would have their needs, interests, and lifestyles, perhaps different from women’s interests and needs. You should also probably understand who makes the purchase decisions.

Suppose you are creating a product for families. In that case, you need to understand who is responsible for purchasing this product. It is the mother, the father, or the kids?

They might be interested in details and needs that other family members are unaware of, so you have to design your brand message to influence their decision.


Your target audience’s age will help you understand what kind of style or trend they like.


Different kinds of people have different types of lifestyles. Some people love to spend all their day relaxing and reading books, while other kinds of people love to travel worldwide. Some people like to work 24 hours, seven days a week.


What do your audience value in their daily life?

Some people value beauty, while other people value creativity, and some people value joy and happiness. In contrast, other people value their time, business, and money, while most people value social life and friendship.

As you can see, choosing a specific type of people is a bit of a challenging mission. It is worth it; being very specific is the fastest way to grow your brand significantly. You are not Santa Claus, and you can’t serve everyone.

The more specific you are, the more successful your brand positioning and unique selling proposition are. Using demographics such as location, Income, gender, education, and age is a great way to get clarity on your audience.

You can also think about the psychological part, which is culture, values, attitude, and lifestyle. You can also start thinking about your customer’s brand loyalty. Are you communicating with old customers who are already loyal to your brand?

  • Or are you trying to communicate to another brand-loyal customer dedicated to that brand?
  • If you offer them more benefits, are they willing to change their brand?
  • Or they probably dislike having brand loyalty and always try different brands.
  • Or they are probably only interested in product pricing, so they don’t have to be attached to one brand.

The second step of creating a unique selling proposition is understanding your product. How does your product or service improve the lives of your audiences and solve their problems?

  • Does it increase work and time efficiency?
  • Does it offer more options?
  • Or it might deliver a better lifestyle.

Try to be as specific as possible. You can use numbers and diagrams to measure your process.

The third step of creating a unique selling proposition is to compare your product with your competitor’s products. How does your product generate more value for your audience than your competitor’s product?

Ask yourself, is it cheaper, faster, more efficient, creative, has better design, more functions? 

All of these points will add value to your product, and that’s how you will stand out from the competition.

Combining these three steps, you should be able to develop a unique selling position. To simplify a basic formula for a unique selling proposition is. So if your audience would ask themselves, “I want to buy this brand service and product, because it’s elegant, trendy, and I can afford its price.”

Case Study:  Wrangler jeans Vs. Levis

Wrangler jean’s unique selling proposition delivers comfort and style at affordable rates. That is their promise to their audience, and they have to provide.

Now let’s look at their segment and target audience. Their market segment is casual wear, and their target group is Men and women from the urban upper-middle class. At the same time, their brand positioning is tough and rugged, lasting quality.

Take your time to visit their website – and see what visuals they are trying to use to capture that specific kind of target audience. Pay attention to the style of the photos, the age of the model the culture of the model. Is it for older people with a family and a more traditional type? Or is it for young people looking for a stylish and trendy product?

The pricing:

Suppose their jeans fit that specific audience. If the price is well enough for that kind of specific audience, that brand will be perceived as a brand that delivers its promises.

Suppose the brand creates great jeans but sells them for $500. Well, that audience will look at it and say, “Wow! I cannot afford that. So the brand is not delivering what I need.”

Levi’s USP Case Study 

Their unique selling proposition is “Oldest jeans brand yet modern.”

Great! So now let’s look at their segment, upper class, and upper-middle class. As you can see, it’s a little bit different from the last brand. It includes the upper class. 

Levi’s target group: 

People who want a blend of style and comfort. 


Outgoing and stylish quality jeans. Levi’sLevi’s focuses on style.

Check the website – | Pay attention to the model, their age, and their style. Now let’s look at the pricing. As you can see, Levi ‘Levi’s will price their product a little bit higher.


Because they deliver a stylish product, a high-quality product that you can’t find everywhere else, but you have to pay for it at that price. Upper-class people would be able to afford that price. So the price might not be a problem for that specific target audience.

To summarize the unique selling proposition, you must understand your audience’s needs, culture, and lifestyle, then design your unique selling proposition around that specific audience.

Secondly, a unique selling proposition is a specific target audience plus differentiation. Are you going to be different from the competition? And how are you going to deliver more value and benefits to your audience?

Drop a comment below if you have a question or send you a message to get help on how to craft your attractive unique selling point without stress. 


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